Early Years
The Early Years Foundation Stage
At Coleshill Church of England Primary School, we know that Early Education is essential for future learning and we are passionate about ensuring that children are motivated, develop positive learning behaviours and that their early foundational skills are secure to make a lifelong, positive difference to children and families.
Our intent is that every child makes strong progress from their starting points. Every child is unique, so we take time to build positive relationships, get to know children and their families, in order to provide the support individuals need. Our sequenced curriculum takes inspiration from stories and enables our children to flourish through adapting to their interests and next steps. Guidance is taken from Birth to 5 Matters to ensure that our educational programmes are progressive, sequenced effectively and provide children with the knowledge and skills they need for seamless transitions from Nursery into Reception and forward into Year One. Outcomes for each of the seven areas of learning are taken from the Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation stage and are structured into the Prime Areas (Personal, Social and Emotional Development, Communication and Language and Physical Development) and the Specific Areas (Literacy, Mathematics, Understanding the World and Expressive Arts and Design).
We have a thriving Nursery with a 2-3 year olds and Preschool (3-4 year olds) cohorts, with intakes of children throughout the year. In our safe and caring setting, children learn both indoors and outdoors and are well equipped for a strong start in Reception. ‘Children in early years make a seamless start to school. This is because staff ensure they feel safe and welcome.’ Ofsted 2022. Our EYFS children are encouraged to build their learning behaviours through playing and exploring, being active and creating and thinking critically. We know that children who are confident in their communication and language skills make progress across the wider curriculum , so our EYFS practitioners are well trained to support development in communication and language through their ‘Time to Talk’ training, with a speech and language champion in each EYFS year group.
Come and Visit!
Our Nursery and Reception practitioners will be pleased to welcome you and answer any questions. Please telephone 01675 463672 to make an appointment.
Please read our document downloads below for more comprehensive information about our intent, implementation and impact of our EYFS provision.